Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Modern Latin America essays

Modern Latin America essays The Latin American and Caribbean region has witnesses much oppression, injustice and political strife, however its revolutionary and guerilla style method of working towards achieving greater changes has taken shape in various ways. All of revolutionary movements have said to be fighting for a greater cause, which would prove to be liberating people from political oppression, economic slum and social deficiencies. However, the means, strategies, and results have varied. The focus within this brief analysis was centered on the revolutionary movement in Peru and that within Nicaragua. To compliment a further objective of this essay, was a parallel perspective on each revolution, its pros and cons, and means of achieving the desired goal, by Rigoberta Menchu, in corelance to her own revolutionary activism in Guatemala. Echoes throughout Perufrom remote mountain and jungle villages, from occupied universities, and from the immense shantytowns that surround Lima. The downtrodden of Peru have risen up in a revolutionary storm. It was the final odyssey in the struggle against oppression for indigenous people who have been held down for centuries. Out of extensive period of oppression, political dissatisfaction and despair, people finally began to mobilize to demand a change. Out of various political, social and economical circumstances, a revolutionary movement was born, known as the Shinning Path. Its considered by many to be the most dangerous and violent terrorist organization in the world. The group derives its name from Mariategui, an avowed Marxist, who once stated that Marxism was a "shining path to the future." Yet, despite this apparent connection, Shining Path espouses a neo-Maoist orientation and was formed as a splinter group of the Communist Party of Peru. The goal of this organization i s the destruction of the existing Peruvian government in favor of an Indian-run socialist system. It attempts to carry out this goa...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Has vs. Had

Has vs. Had Has vs. Had Has vs. Had By Maeve Maddox I received this note from a reader: My friends and I consider ourselves to be pretty good English speakers. But, when and where to use has and had has us beat.  Can you assist? The verb to have ranks right up there with be and do as far as the variety of ways in which it is used. I’m guessing that the reader is referring to the use of has and had in their role as auxiliary or helping verbs. Has and had are forms of the verb to have. Their use as helping verbs is to form perfect tenses. First of all, let’s clarify the grammatical  meaning of perfect. It does not mean â€Å"In a state of complete excellence; free from any imperfection or defect of quality; that cannot be improved upon; flawless, faultless.† Perfect to describe a verb tense has to do with the completion of an action. Linguists argue over how many verb tenses English has, but for our purposes, we’ll say that English has six basic tenses: Simple Present: They cook. Present Perfect: They have cooked. Simple Past: They cooked. Past Perfect: They had cooked. Future: They will walk. Future Perfect: They will have walked. I’ll limit my remarks to Present Perfect and Past Perfect. Present Perfect Have or has is used with a past participle to form the present perfect tense. This tense designates action which began in the past but continues into the present, or the effect of the action continues into the present. Compare these sentences: My father drove a school bus. (simple past) My father has driven a school bus for three years. (present perfect) The first sentence implies that the father no longer drives a school bus; the second sentence indicates that he is still driving a school bus. Past Perfect This past perfect (also called the pluperfect) is formed with had and a past participle. The past perfect indicates an action that was completed in the past before another action took place. Compare: Arnold painted the garage when his friends arrived. (simple past) Arnold had painted the garage when his friends arrived. (past perfect before simple past) In the first sentence, Arnold started painting the garage at the time his friends arrived. He was probably hoping they would help him. In the second sentence, Arnold had completed the action of painting the garage by the time his friends arrived. In sentences that express condition and result, the past perfect belongs in the part of the sentence that states the condition: â€Å"If I had made better choices in my youth, I would be better off today.† I often hear television characters use the simple past instead of the past perfect in the condition clause: â€Å"If I knew you were coming, I would have baked a cake.† They also create such convoluted constructions as â€Å"If I would have known you were coming, I would have baked a cake† instead of: â€Å"If I had known you were coming, I would have baked a cake.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:70 Idioms with Heart11 Writing Exercises to Inspire You and Strengthen Your WritingThe Difference Between "Shade" and "Shadow"

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Leadership and Managment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Leadership and Managment - Assignment Example e private sector played have played a major role in the English NHS system.2 The Italian Model of Universalism The Italian model was introduced to cover the shortcomings of the English model especially when it comes to selective coverage. It aimed at focusing on introducing a centralized system of financing to allow the government better control of spending. This model saw the introduction of more decentralized health care service provision and introduction of an internal market. The NHS structure in this model consisted of the national government, the regional level and the local authority level of health care provision. The central government’s major task was to oversee how the regions spend their finances and setting the National Health Fund. The local authorities dealt directly with provision of health care services. The main aim was to reduce interegional disparities inorder to maintain a uniform health structure qithin the entire country. This model was not entirely succ essful as a result of poor motitoring and oversight on the part of the central government. There were also problems with funding and increased unemployment rates therefore people not being able to afford health services. These issues led to passing of new laws that would help bring changes and stability in the health sector. The major aim of the laws was to decentralize financial allocation to the local and intermediary level inorder to better meet the needs of the local citizen. This was argued because the local authority would for example better understand the needs of the society as compared to how the central government would.3 Effective Health care governance Health care governance is the process and srtucture needed to ensure better high quality provision of health care services. For... This paper approves that free communication flow using the bottom up and down bottom approach through provision of accessible information sources is among the key strategies that should be adopted by any healthcare organization. This will ensure free feedback from clients, and to enable the staff or colleagues to understand the organization’s policies, goals and objectives in order to be more motivated and enthusiastic towards better provision of services to the public. Focus should be put on transparency of activities to both stakeholders and colleagues. Transparency in communication also helps in giving the staff a clear picture of their tasks and the subsequent outcome. This in turn helps to build their morale and motivation to put more effort to their tasks. Transparent communication makes the staff feel part of the organization or have a sense of ownership. This essay makes a conclusion that application of leadership patterns can be in any organization that has its goals of success merged with the objectives of profit maximization. Managers in a medium sized organization can apply the remarkable pattern of leadership while doing away with the toxic pattern that could result in the firm’s failure and eventual pull out of the industry. Remarkable leadership could be applied by the human resource manager in the organization acting as a coach and training other managers in other departments to act as role models for their followers. The human resource manager can still establish interpersonal relationships with all employees and other manager.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Science and its Impact on Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Science and its Impact on Society - Essay Example However, in the recent past, there has been a growing awareness among society that the effects of science and related research are not always beneficial. The perception amongst people is that science will only lead to the destruction of nature eventually. That no matter what advancement in technology is enjoyed; the harmful effect on our planet in the name of research and science is increasingly being felt. Only those aspects of science receive attention in society which suit the goals or which inspire awe - this indicates that people at large read science because it serves their purpose or because the subject is topical, sensational or controversial. At most, only a handful read science for the sake of the knowledge it might impart. Much research is required to identify those subjects so that science could be made more popular and effective. Science was a great investment towards a better life and this resulted in the discovery of light waves and radio waves, the electric motors, the first photograph and telephone, and the first publication of the periodic table. There was also great controversy when Charles Each society is faced with the challenge of keeping its proper place in a world defined by economic and political change. Knowledge, in particular science, technology and innovation, is indispensable to meet this challenge. Scientific and technological progress results in new innovations that are an integral part of international competitiveness. This translates into what the society's needs and aspirations are, such as peace, jobs, security, health and sustainable development of the planet. Viewing science from two angles: The benefits are many: medical advancements have saved many lives; internet and increased access to information is definite; research in the field of weather has led to the predictions of storms and the study of astronomy has given society knowledge of the formation of Earth and of the solar system. The adverse effects are: The medicines prescribed come with their own side effects; and nuclear technology! This scientific knowledge has helped in creating bombs which are used for massacres and gruesome killings; it has also been used for energy, releasing radiation which causes medical problems to many. Factors controlling the usage of science: The relationship between science, controlled by the government, and society is a hostile one because the society that enjoys benefits of science cannot do anything to prevent the side-effects of science - it is powerless to take action to curb the harmful turn of events that result from science; especially more so if the science is

Sunday, November 17, 2019

One Night Stands and Regret Essay Example for Free

One Night Stands and Regret Essay Sex is considered a taboo up until we become college students. We have people whom want to remain chaste until marriage, we have people whom want to have experimental encounters with as many people as they can in college, and then there are people whom would only consider having sexual relations with their significant other. College parties are wild and it is guaranteed that at least 5 couples will end up hooking up at the end of the night. Most hook ups becomes one-night stands. If we were to ask those individuals if they regret their past encounters many would say yes because drugs or alcohol were involved. Drugs and and alcohol play an important role in sex. It is more likely for an intoxicated person to engage in sexual encounters than a sober person. In the magazine Psychology Today, there is an article called â€Å"If I Could do it All Over Again† that talks about the half-life of sex. In this article we are informed with statistics of men and women whom admit as to why they regret their past encounters. The article also explains scenarios of cases where sexual encounters break relationships and marriages. The biggest questioned raised by Matt Huston in his article is â€Å"When it comes to sexual misadventures, why do we feel so wrong about that which, in the heat of the moment, felt so right?† (Huston 39). Huston suggests that people feel thrill when having encounters rather than casual sex. What is there to regret of sex? Women who lose their virginity in a sexual encounter regret it because they feel like they lost their pureness to the wrong man. Women also regret having sexual encounters because they feel like they moved too fast to jump into sex. Men have other type of regrets. There are men who regret no jumping into bed and having sex with a random person. There are men who regret not being more sexually active in their youth. On a survey done to men and women, 55% of men regret not having sexual encounters. 48% of men regret not being sexually active at a young age. 43% of women regret moving too fast and jumping into sex. 41% of women regret  losing their virginity to the wrong person. Both men and women regret things differently. Women regret most of their past sexual encounters while men regret not having more sexual encounters. A very interesting study done in the Journal of Sex research, finds that regardless of sex, both genders that engage in sex with relative strangers may actually be more anxious and depressed. Another impactful statistic is that more than 70% of â€Å"college students who’d had a one-night stand had also experienced sexual regret† (39). This magazine article is very informative. It really doesn’t persuade people not to have sexual encounters; it just informs us about the people who regret sexual encounters. The magazine’s job is to inform us of a topic that really isn’t talked about on a daily basis. One can say that this magazine is sending out a subliminal message, which is to think before we engage in sexual encounters. The magazine believes that this generation has changed the idea of sex and has created a new a separate type of sex called sexual encounters. It also shows how many of these people show regret for past encounters. While shopping at Target I looked around and saw the books and magazines sections. I decided to buy a National Geographic magazine. The cover had an interesting hook; it basically said that Aliens weren’t far from earth. I bought the magazine and read the article, however, it didnt finish the article when I decided to return the magazine to the store. The article was very boring, the language wasnt clear to understand, and the text became boring the further I read. I went back to Target and looked around for another magazine and I decided to look at Psychology Today. My initial article to write my essay was on â€Å"Daydreams† and how those fantasies affect our futures. As I flipped through the magazine I came across the topic of sex. I read the title and I felt a relation to that topic. We’re college students and we know people whom participate in sexual encounters. Sexual encounters are something that is incredibly popular in college and especially at parties and clubs. It is interesting to know how both men and women feel after sexual encounters. Before I read this article I had no opinion on sexual encounters. I have a few friends whom participate in this type of acts. I always tell them to use protection and avoid stupid mistakes. I dont judge people, everyone makes mistakes and many of us keep making mistakes. After I read this article it hit me. I used to believe that when someone engages in sexual encounters they aren’t sensitive and dont have emotional feelings. But this magazine proved me wrong. Men and women do feel regret; their regret differs but they still feel regret based on a sexual encounter. I dont regret reading this article because it really caught my attention. I scanned the article and emailed it to some of my friends. I was really amazed with the research that explained that most of the people who participate in sexual encounters are anxious and depressed. It is rude to ask personal questions to people but I’d be very interested in knowing if they are anxious or depressed. If I ever feel the necessity of participating in a sexual encounter I will think back to this article and analyze the moment. Drugs and alcohol are not our friends and intoxication can make us do things we wouldnt do when sober. I would also think of the statistics of people whom regret the sexual encounters. This article has made me realize that there is a negative effect on sexual encounters, there is more to than just sex. Sex involves feelings. I think that every college student should read this article. Many people could prevent feeling regretful if they read an interesting article like this one. Works Cited Huston, Matt. If I Could Do It All Over Again. Psychology Today 1 Mar. 2014: 37-39. Print.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Mother Courage and Capitulation Essay -- English Literature Essays

Mother Courage and Capitulation Brecht tells the reader that capitulation is not just an idea but a feeling and the reader's objection to the world is not as strong as it once was. He tells the reader this through Mother Courage's refusal to capitulate through out the entire work. In today's world, people like Mother Courage cannot relate to capitulation as a feeling because of the regulations that today's world has that Mother Courage's world did not. As technology advances in today's world, people place more and more restraints on individual's and society's personal freedoms and choices, such as the decision to refuse to capitulate. Mother Courage's extremely strong will and refusal to capitulate allowed her children to be killed, a mother's worst nightmare. She did what she had to do to survive and move on after each child's death. In today's world, women cannot make the kind of choices that Mother Courage made. This is because if a mother decided to make a decision that allowed for her survival but in turn the death of her children. If something like this were to happen, the government would step in and take the children away or imprison the mother for abuse. The idea of capitulation cannot be a feeling like Mother Courage had because, people in today's world cannot obtain the idea of refusal to capitulate without the repercussions that society has placed on refusing to capitulate especially when the lives of one's children is involved. In addition, there are gre...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Curfews Doesn’t Keep Teens Out Of Trouble

?Youth curfews are popular. In poll after poll, Americans support laws that restrict teenagers' activities during certain hours of the day and night. Youth curfews are also logical. If youngsters are getting into trouble, it makes sense to get them off the streets. There's only one problem with youth curfews: They don't work. And we shouldn't kid ourselves that they do. Yet that's what we're doing in Philadelphia, where Mayor Nutter recently extended a 9 p. m. curfew on Friday and Saturday nights for all unaccompanied minors in Center City and University City.The measure came on the heels of this summer's violent flash-mob episodes, which seem to have quieted down since then. But the city already had a youth curfew in place, long before the flash-mob mayhem began. On weekdays, it's 9 p. m. for children under 13 and 10:30 p. m. for children 13 to 17; on the weekends, everyone has to be home by midnight. And that hasn't done anything to stem the tide of youth violence in Philadelphia. Insofar as the downtown curfew has â€Å"worked,† it probably just displaced crime from one part of the city – and one time of the day – to another.That's what happened in Detroit, after it adopted a youth curfew in 1976. Juvenile crime dropped 6 percent during the curfew hours, but it increased 13 percent in the midafternoon. Nationwide, more than 80 percent of juvenile offenses take place between 9 a. m. and 10 p. m. – outside most curfews. Nor do we have any solid evidence that youth curfews lower the overall rate of juvenile crime. In a close study of Monrovia, Calif. , in the 1990s, for example, sociologist Michael Males found that juvenile arrests for non-curfew crimes increased 53 percent during the school months when the town's curfew was enforced.In July and August, when the curfew was not enforced, non-curfew youth crime went down 12 percent. So why are we so wedded to youth curfews? The answer has less to with youth than with adults. Whenever w e get worried that the youth are out of control, we enact a curfew. And that makes us feel better, even if it doesn't make crime go down. Youth curfews date to late 19th century, when America's cities swelled with millions of unsupervised teens. Like laws mandating school attendance and banning child labor, the argument went, curfews would improve individual lives even as they protected the social order.President Benjamin Harrison called curfews â€Å"the most important municipal regulation for the protection of children in American homes from the vices of the street. † By 1900, 3,000 municipalities had curfews in place. The next set of curfews came during Prohibition in the 1920s, when speakeasies and gang violence sparked new anxieties about American youth. Although juvenile crime dropped during the decade, it made for good press – and, in several cities, for new curfews. â€Å"The street corners and vacant lots of the city are the kindergartens of a school of crime ,† opined an editorial writer in Chicago, endorsing the city's 1921 curfew.â€Å"The primary and intermediate classes meet in vicious poolrooms. Cabarets and tough saloons are offering advanced lessons, and post-graduate instruction is available in the jails and penitentiaries. † Then came the juvenile-delinquency scare of the 1950s, which sparked – surprise! – another wave of youth curfews. By 1957, half of American cities with populations of more than 100,000 had juvenile-curfew laws. But the greatest spike in curfews came in the early 1990s, amid a sharp rise in youth crime.Between 1988 and 1992, criminal offenses by juveniles rose 26 percent; even worse, youth crimes against persons – murder, rape, and assault – skyrocketed 56 percent. So curfews boomed, too. From 1990 to 1995, 53 of America's 200 largest cities enacted new curfew ordinances. The effort got a boost from President Bill Clinton, who signed a 1996 measure allotting $75 milli on to help local governments enact curfews and other anti-crime ordinances. â€Å"They help keep our children out of harm's way,† Clinton declared. In fact, they don't.To his credit, Mayor Nutter has instituted other measures to fight juvenile crime, including expanding the hours that recreation centers stay open. And he has skillfully used his bully pulpit, taking to the streets and airwaves to encourage parents to keep a closer watch on their children. More power to him, but not to the curfews. They might be good politics, but they're bad policy. Let's hope the mayor can tell the difference. It dosent matter what time off day it is, a teen will still be mischieve and do crimes.Don't you think that a parent should be more at fault for the teens crimes? Or is a curfew reall going to stop anybody. Curfew or No Curfew , Kids Are Going To Do What They Want To Do. Telling Them What TIme They Have To Be In The House Is Only Going To Make Them Want To Stay Out Later. The whole curf ew thing could go both ways because you have some kids that don't care what time it is, they will come in when ever they want. Or what about the kids who parents give then a one o clock curfew. If they're parents are okay with it then what more can you about it. I don't think curfews keep people out of trouble.People will do  what they wand and when they want to. Curfews don't stop people. Bad things can happen during the day even. So curfews don't effect anybody. I think that curfew somewhat helps the teens stay out of trouble but teens are always out on the streets doing whatever they want. Any time of the day a teen can cause harm but curfews just tries to decrease the harms teenagers can do at night. Either way they'll still do harm. A teen will be a teen. It doesn't matter what time of day it is. A curfew may make things worse. â€Å"Rules are made to be broken.†Inforcing curfew may cause a riot like Projext X and be a TERRIBLE outcome. I think that it doesnt matter wh at time it is or if you have a Curfew or not , If I have to be in at a certain time, I most likely wont come in at that time just because I may not want to . Teens are going to do what they want to do and giving them a curfew isnt going to change anything , It depends on the way the Parent approaches the situation . Purpose A curfew is designed to ensure your teen is at home safely for the evening. This includes helping prevent teen delinquency and keeping teens out of trouble.Curfews are also meant to cut down on dangerous activities such as drinking and driving. Many parents also enforce a curfew to help their teen get enough sleep. Ultimately, curfews can also give your teen independence while still setting reasonableAppropriate Curfews Sit down and discuss an appropriate curfew with your teen. If she has a role in setting her curfew, she is more likely to stick to it. Younger teens from 12 to 13 years old should be home between 7 and 8 p. m. on school nights, according to the Am erican Academy of Pediatrics.A curfew of 8 or 9 p. appropriate for teens between the ages of 14 and 16. Teens who can drive should be home between 10 and 11 p. m. on school nights. On weekends, it's appropriate to allow your teen to stay out 2 hours later than their weekday curfew, the AAP suggests. boundaries. Curfew and bedtime are two of the more negotiable household rules. During adolescence, when boys and girls are getting their first taste of independence, they probably spend the equivalent of a law-school education making their case to Mom and Dad for just a little extra time to stay out or to stay up.What is not negotiable are the consequences for disobeying curfew, except in the event of unforeseen circumstances. So that the punishment conforms to the crime, deduct time from future curfews, depending on the severity of the infraction. If your youngster straggles in an hour late, perhaps the next time he goes out with his friends, he has to come home an hour earlier tha n usual. Two hours past curfew buys a teenager a Friday or Saturday night confined to home. Long-term punishments, such as grounding the offender for one month, amount to overkill and will very likely do more harm than good.Q: When setting a curfew, how do I know what’s reasonable and what’s not? All of my son’s friends have to be home at different times, so it’s hard to base my decision on what other parents do. A: You can start by consulting the following table, which gives parents general guidelines appropriate for each stage of adolescent development. Let’s use as an example a fourteen-year-old boy. If he has school or other early morning commitments the next day, he really should be home no later than nine o’clock at night; if it’s a vacation day coming up, between 10 P.M. and 11 P. M. is reasonable. That’s your starting point. Now factor in the following: 1. How mature and responsible is he overall? If you feel confident that he knows how to watch out for his own safety and you trust he is where he tells you he will be, perhaps you extend the curfew. Some kids may not need a curfew beyond a community or state law regulating when adolescents must be off the road. 2. Does he usually comply with curfew? Again, his past behavior will influence how lenient or strict you are. 3. What activity is he engaged in?If he is shooting hoops in the park, he should be home by sundown, but if he’s studying with a friend, he can stay out later. 4. If he’s attending a baseball game, concert, school function or other event, what time does it let out and how long will it take him to get home? This will help determine whether or not you allow him some extra time to perhaps get a bite to eat before heading home. 5. How much sleep does he usually need? The average adolescent requires about nine hours of shut-eye a night, some more, some less.If your youn Do Curfew Keep Teens Out of Trouble† StudyMode. c om. 02 2013. 2013. 02 2013 . gster is drowsy in the morning, you’ll want to move up his bedtime, and with it, his curfew. 6. Even with a curfew teens will do what they want to do. If that means sneaking out, lying or skipping school or etc. sneaking out gives a teen a thrill and like they are invincible. That just makes them more likely to do much more dangerous stuff. Also, having a curfew just adds stress on a teen, because they will freak out about running late and traffic causing them to be late.If anyone says that kids will be too scared to sneak out, well wouldn't they be to break an actual law? Does curfew really keep teens out of trouble? Curfews give teens the chance to change and it works because they have less time out to cause the trouble and get Pregnant do vandalism, go stealing take drugs, smoke Cigarettes, and have under age sex get involved with the police and Intimidating Behavior. That’s the reason many people believe curfews are a good idea however giving your child a curfew is not going to stop them from doing all this stuff.They may not do it during the night or during their curfew but they may be doing it at day time or even skip school and go get in trouble. Having a curfew does not decrease crimes. Numerous articles by credible sources such as the (National Center for Policy Analysis, the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice, and the US Department of Justice) all unanimously agree that curfew, in fact, does NOT lower young crime rates of any kind. Also, I found that the amount of arrests in young for breaking curfew greatly outnumbers the amount of arrests for any other crime in young.All of this goes to show that curfews in fact have no effect, and that teaching young teens to have morals and know what is right and what is wrong is greatly more effective than curfews. I've had my share of sneaking out, and staying out WAY past the time my parents set before me. It's only because if you say I can't do something, I want to prove everyone wrong and say that I can do that, and you can't do anything to stop me. Curfew is just a fence that can be climbed†¦ [continues]

Sunday, November 10, 2019

History: Slavery

Before the Civil War, slaves and indentured servants were considered personal property, and they or their descendants could be sold or inherited like any other personality. Like other property, human chattel was governed largely by laws of individual states. Generally, these laws concerning indentured servants and slaves did not differentiate between the sexes. Some, however, addressed only women. Regardless of their country of origin, many early immigrants were indentured servants, people who sold their labor in exchange for passage to the New World and housing on their arrival.Initially, most laws passed concerned indentured servants, but around the middle of the seventeenth century, colonial laws began to reflect differences between indentured servants and slaves. Now that they actually started thinking twice between slaves and what they stand for. Soon the laws began to differentiate between races: the association of â€Å"servitude for natural life† with people of African descent became common. So now that there was a ground stand between slaves and servants actually a big difference.Indentured Servants were temporarily and slaves were permanent . Servants could pay off their labor and slaves could not, they had no choice but to work their life off. Servants had rights, they Could sue in court, they Could own property, they Could appeal to court for mistreatment. Slaves still had right but not like the indentured servants they could get there education, they could get married, and raise kids as long as the work. If the servants kept breaking the law they could be enslaved and pay off a crime they did.Basically after 1660 the lives of the poor African people changed. Obviously slaves were mess treated and harshly punished more than the servants. There was some punishments for the white servants like if they tried to run away with a black slave the white servants had to serve more double the amount of his labor. There was a case that lead to that law. There was Three servants working for a farmer they tried running away to Maryland. Two were white; one was black.They were captured in Maryland and returned to Jamestown, where the court sentenced all three to thirty lashes — a severe punishment even by the standards of 17th-century Virginia. The two white men were sentenced to an additional four years of servitude and one more year working for the farmer followed by three more for the colony. But, in addition to the whipping, the black man, a man named John Punch, was ordered to â€Å"serve his said master or his assigns for the time of his natural Life here or elsewhere. † John Punch no longer had hope for freedom.The whites and blacks were obviously miss treated harshly. All that chaos happening the Africans needed an answer and why they are the way they are. They retraced it in the bible of the story Noah and ham his son, and the figured why they are the way they are. The moral story this was that Noah was a drink er and he came home one day naked. His 2 sons looked away from him and his other son Ham just stared at him, couldn’t get his eyes off his naked dad. So Noah banishes him away to the land now called Ethiopia and cursed him that his children, children’s well be cursed forever.Looking back to that story they started to relate amongst themselves and they actually believed that god placed them in this world just be slaves and nothing more than that There was obviously no hope in their eyes. Why Africans why not other race? The Virginia men migrated to Africa to slave the people and bring them to their society as new members. As they bring the slaves to Virginia they carry millions of them across the ocean back to Virginia on these ships called Middle Passage. the men in Virginia were being sent to get slaves because they were in need of major labor in there city.The ship held millions of Africans, men, women, pregnant women and children in the ships. They are literally cra mped so tight that they have no room to do anything. Of course some of them die and some of them survive by the long months they get there. But when some of the Africans die the men that are in charge of them, dump them off the ship and sharks would eat them. There would literally be a row of sharks following them all the way back to Jamestown, because they were snaking on the died humans. 2 million slaves arrive safetly out of the 18 million. Why they actually wanted Africans Well one thing is straight if they captured any other race than Africans Americans like the native Americans they would have died out quick because they could adapt to the new world. There was once a time with the Native Americans were enslaved, but they died of European dieses like plague and small pox and wiped them out which they were trying to avoid any dieses brought to the new world time.Also native Americans they would blend in quite so easily with local people( skin color) and they can go home whenever they want to, and Virginia would be the ones that lose. The most reason why they didn’t want to enslave the native Americans was because they would start a conflict like they always do and they want to avoid any kind of conflict. Plus they could learn English very quickly. On the other hand African American were more intimidated by the white people and the country because they wouldn’t know anything about it.They were powerless they didn’t speak the language, they couldn’t escape the land because they had know where to go. The further away you take someone from their own land the less they will be powerful so that was one major reason why they wanted to slave African. They also could adapt maybe faster than other tribes because they would be so intimated that they have to learn before they get punished. and they are less likely to bring dieses to the people. They were distinguishable, easy to spot and see the blacks if they ever try to run away. These al l leads to this question, did slavery lead to racism?Yes I believe it did because first off all slavery came first not racism and when generation passed by slaves already had their ground rule that if you are a slave you are permanent into working for life when generation went by they stood for that and lead to racism. If they stood up to their land owners or whoever they would work for(slaves), I think there wouldn’t be a time called slavery. It wouldn’t exist really in the American history. That’s my say on that. There are many differences between the indentured servants and the slaves, more detailed there was more difference between the blacks slaves than the blacks/whites servants.The slaves basically are like working machines when the machine breaks or dies out they find another machine to replace it. 6. Compare and contrast indentured servitude with slavery. Why do indentured servants and slaves come to the New World? Be sure to discuss the historical real ities of life as an indentured servant as compared to that of a slave. Your essay should include a discussion of why Africans, as opposed to other groups of people, were enslaved. Finally, address the relationship between slavery and racial prejudice.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Evil

Evil: Kinds of evil in our lives Step outside. Now look around you. Do you see or hear anything evil out there today? I did this, and I didn’t find anything that I would consider evil. Then, I sat down on my porch while my dad went out to start his truck. After a bit, gasoline consumed the area around me. The smell of gasoline has now occupied my porch and moving about the atmosphere. I realized that pollution is evil. Evil is everywhere around us. Pollution is just one example. There are more examples like pollution that most people don’t think of as evil, such as smoking. Evil is a messy project, defying simplistic solutions, or so we think. There is no single, universally satisfying answer to this dark reality. Often the only evil we observe is the result of sinful choices. But we have to remember that some evil we cannot observe. Pollution is an evil that burns holes in the ozone layer. We know there is a hole in the atmosphere but we do not observe pollution as being evil, we observe it as a fact of life. Along with pollution comes smoking. Smoking is definitely an evil, a very bad evil that effects us greatly, and it pollutes the air. Smoking is the number one women’s cancer killer. The evil in smoking is killing you, and it also kills the nonsmokers around you. Often when tragedy strikes, when evil rears its ugly head, people are found complaining. To complain is to express frustration, to acknowledge ignorance, to announce hurt. Some of the question that arises are, â€Å"Why would God allow such and such to happen? How can this be fair?† Nobody has the right answers to these questions. Maybe God wanted to put obstacles in our lives, maybe he wanted to test us to see what our strengths and weaknesses were. Well, obviously, many Americans have failed the smoking test. But are these complaints wrong? It depends on the attitude of the person who makes them. In one sense, yes. If the person ma... Free Essays on Evil Free Essays on Evil Evil: Kinds of evil in our lives Step outside. Now look around you. Do you see or hear anything evil out there today? I did this, and I didn’t find anything that I would consider evil. Then, I sat down on my porch while my dad went out to start his truck. After a bit, gasoline consumed the area around me. The smell of gasoline has now occupied my porch and moving about the atmosphere. I realized that pollution is evil. Evil is everywhere around us. Pollution is just one example. There are more examples like pollution that most people don’t think of as evil, such as smoking. Evil is a messy project, defying simplistic solutions, or so we think. There is no single, universally satisfying answer to this dark reality. Often the only evil we observe is the result of sinful choices. But we have to remember that some evil we cannot observe. Pollution is an evil that burns holes in the ozone layer. We know there is a hole in the atmosphere but we do not observe pollution as being evil, we observe it as a fact of life. Along with pollution comes smoking. Smoking is definitely an evil, a very bad evil that effects us greatly, and it pollutes the air. Smoking is the number one women’s cancer killer. The evil in smoking is killing you, and it also kills the nonsmokers around you. Often when tragedy strikes, when evil rears its ugly head, people are found complaining. To complain is to express frustration, to acknowledge ignorance, to announce hurt. Some of the question that arises are, â€Å"Why would God allow such and such to happen? How can this be fair?† Nobody has the right answers to these questions. Maybe God wanted to put obstacles in our lives, maybe he wanted to test us to see what our strengths and weaknesses were. Well, obviously, many Americans have failed the smoking test. But are these complaints wrong? It depends on the attitude of the person who makes them. In one sense, yes. If the person ma...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Battle of Bentonville - Civil War

Battle of Bentonville - Civil War Battle of Bentonville Conflict Dates: The Battle of Bentonville took place March 19-21, 1865, during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Armies Commanders: Union Major General William T. ShermanMajor General Henry Slocum60,000 men Confederate General Joseph JohnstonGeneral P.G.T. BeauregardGeneral Braxton BraggLieutenant General William Hardee21,000 men Battle of Bentonville - Background: Having taken Savannah in December 1864, after his March to the Sea, Major General William T. Sherman turned north and moved into South Carolina. Cutting a path of destruction through the seat of the secession movement, Sherman captured Columbia before pressing north with the goal of cutting Confederate supply lines to Petersburg, VA. Entering North Carolina on March 8, Sherman split his army into two wings under the command of Major Generals Henry Slocum and Oliver O. Howard. Moving along separate paths, they marched for Goldsboro where they intended to unite with Union forces advancing inland from Wilmington (Map). In an effort to halt this Union thrust and protect his rear, Confederate General-in-Chief Robert E. Lee dispatched General Joseph E. Johnston to North Carolina with orders to form a force to oppose Sherman. With most the Confederate Army in the West shattered, Johnston cobbled together a composite force consisting of the remnants of the Army of Tennessee, a division from Lees Army of Northern Virginia, as well as troops that had been scattered across the southeast. Concentrating his men, Johnston dubbed his command the Army of the South.   As he worked to unite his men, Lieutenant General William Hardee successfully delayed Union forces at the Battle of Averasborough on March 16. Battle of Bentonville - Fighting Begins: Mistakenly believing Shermans two wings to be a full days march apart and unable to support each other, Johnston focused his attention on defeating Slocums column. He hoped to do so before Sherman and Howard could arrive to provide assistance. On March 19, as his men moved north on the Goldsboro Road, Slocum encountered Confederate forces just south of Bentonville. Believing the enemy to be little more than cavalry and artillery, he advanced two divisions from Major General Jefferson C. Davis XIV Corps. Attacking, these two divisions encountered Johnstons infantry and were repulsed. Pulling these divisions back, Slocum formed a defensive line and added Brigadier General James D. Morgans division on the right and provided a division from Major General Alpheus S. Williams XX Corps as a reserve. Of these only Morgans men made an effort to fortify their position and gaps existed in the Union line. Around 3:00 PM, Johnston attacked this position with Major General D.H. Hills troops exploiting the gap. This assault caused the Union left to collapse allowing the right to be flanked. Holding their position, Morgans division fought valiantly before being forced to withdraw (Map). Battle of Bentonville - The Tide Turns: As his line was slowly pushed back, Slocum fed arriving units of XX Corps into the fight while sending messages to Sherman calling for aid. Fighting raged until nightfall, but after five major attacks, Johnston was unable to drive Slocum from the field. As Slocums position became increasingly stronger with reinforcements arriving, the Confederates withdrew to their original positions around midnight and began building earthworks. Having learned of Slocums situation, Sherman ordered a night march and raced to the scene with the right wing of the army. Through the day on March 20, Johnston stayed in position despite the approach of Sherman and the fact that he had Mill Creek to his rear. He later defended this decision by stating that he remained in order to remove his wounded. Skirmishing continued through the day and by late afternoon Sherman had arrived with Howards command. Coming into line on Slocums right, the Union deployment forced Johnston to bend back his line and shift Major General Lafayette McLaws division from his right to extend his left. For the remainder of the day, both forces remained in place with Sherman content to let Johnston retreat (Map). On March 21, Sherman, who wished to avoid a major engagement, was irritated to find Johnston still in place. During the day, the Union right closed to within a few hundred yards of the Confederates. That afternoon, Major General Joseph A. Mower, commanding the division on the extreme Union right, asked permission to conduct a little reconnaissance. Having received clearance, Mower instead moved forward with a large attack on the Confederate left. Moving along a narrow trace, his division assaulted into the Confederate rear and overran Johnstons headquarters and near the Mill Creek Bridge (Map). With their only line of retreat under threat, the Confederates launched a series of counterattacks under the guidance of Lieutenant General William Hardee. These succeeded in containing Mower and pushing his men back. This was aided by orders from an irate Sherman which demanded that Mower break off the action. Sherman later admitted that not reinforcing Mower was a mistake and that it was a missed opportunity to destroy Johnstons army. Despite this, it appears that Sherman was seeking to avoid unnecessary bloodshed during the wars final weeks. Battle of Bentonville - Aftermath: Given a reprieve, Johnston began withdrawing over rain-swollen Mill Creek that night. Spotting the Confederate retreat at dawn, Union forces pursued the Confederates as far as Hannahs Creek. Eager to link up with the other troops at Goldsboro, Sherman resumed his march. In the fighting at Bentonville, Union forces lost 194 killed, 1,112 wounded, 221 missing/captured, while Johnstons command suffered 239 killed, 1,694 wounded, 673 missing/captured. Reaching Goldsboro, Sherman added the forces of Major Generals John Schofield and Alfred Terry to his command. After two and half weeks of rest, his army departed for its final campaign which culminated in Johnstons surrender at Bennett Place on April 26, 1865. Selected Sources CWSAC Battle Summaries: Battle of BentonvilleHistory of War: Battle of BentonvilleCWPT: Battle of Bentonville

Sunday, November 3, 2019

How Children Playing Sports Contributed to a Well-Rounded Child Research Paper

How Children Playing Sports Contributed to a Well-Rounded Child - Research Paper Example The energy possessed by children needs to be fully utilized in co-curricular activities such as sports. Therefore, a well-rounded child can be viewed as that child, who has totally developed physically, socially and mentally thru playing sports from early childhood (Humphrey). Having children participate in sporting activities has over time led to controversies in opinions and as such a bond of contention between educational institutions and other stake holders. Some scholars hold contrary opinions on whether or not children should participate in sports. â€Å"Critics have condemned sport for fostering excessive violence, an overemphasis on competition and winning, and the exploitation of individuals. Sport proponents have extolled the value of sport as a contributor to health, personal fulfillment, and community integration.† (School sports, Encyclopedia of Education). It is vital to have a glance at how sport produces positive results in the education sector and other settin gs for young children. Among the reasons behind these controversies is the notion that if the sports are not well organized can pose a number of dangers notably; cognitive and psychological. Kirk Ericson in his article titled, â€Å"The Negative Effects of Youth Sports† asserts thus â€Å"competitive sports may be too stressful for children; therefore a need to control what sport children play otherwise sports can be injurious. Among the effects cited in the article include; physical injuries on the bones, sprains and strains on the muscles and tendons, injuries inflicted on growth plates and heat related ailments. The other effect justifying by Shields and Gilbert is why kids should not participate in sport activities is because of early burnouts, as a result of stress reaction caused by overstraining and too much play that can dehydrate the child’s body. The article further advocates for a creation of an environment where children will be able to participate and vie w sport as a source of fun and enjoyment. The other factor against sport activities by children is that in the event of competition and play kids use large amounts of energy and therefore the planners of children sport need to engage the services of the diet and nutrition specialists to help guard against inadequate nutrition otherwise sports for children will generate more harm than good. In the contrary opinion scholars and physical education specialists cite enormous benefits gained by children in sports. As stated in one of the articles, â€Å"Numerous studies by Shields and Gilbert support the positive relationship that exists between psychological well-being and regular involvement in physical activity, especially in the areas of reduction of anxiety and depression.† Physically, sport helps children develop a well-built structure of their bodies, for example, the muscles and bones. As Brewer, asserts child development demonstrates that children develop through shared ac tivities such as sports. â€Å"Children grow in and through connections with others† supports the fundamental importance of warm, trusting, supportive and close interpersonal sport relationships to overall well-being (Brewer). Sports therefore play a major role in the social development of a child; it is through play that virtues such as cooperation, team work, discipline, trust, just play and game skills are developed. Intellectual development of

Friday, November 1, 2019

Financial management of channel tunnel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Financial management of channel tunnel - Essay Example Eurotunnel was mainly financed by bank loans from a large consortium of over 100 European and Japanese banks. Eurotunnel also raised substantial amounts of equity in four public offerings during the construction of the Tunnel, mainly from small shareholders in France and the UK. The marketing of the shares was pitched towards small shareholders. In the end, the Channel Tunnel costs about 10 billion to build (compared with initial estimates 8 years earlier of about 5 billion). Of this 10 billion, 8 billion was raised in debt from banks and 2 billion in equity. The last fund-raising exercise took place in May 1994, just 2 months before the new services were to begin, when 800 million of new equity and 700 million of debt was raised to get the project finished and up and running. By then the banks and many shareholders were very nervous about the costs and delays to the project and the prospects of recouping their investment. Eurotunnel shareholders have seen their investment crumble by around 90% since the company went public in 1987. Construction costs spiralled and revenues fell short of forecasts, leaving the company struggling with debts of 9bn (6.4bn). Shareholders have never been paid a dividend. The UK government has already made it clear that there can be no question of any public money for Eurotunnel, and there is no change in that position. Eurotunnel shareholders are mostly French private investors. But it said it could not afford to do so without help in cutting the burden of repayments on debts which it ran up during vast cost over-runs on the tunnel's construction in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Euro tunnel begs for rescue plan (Clark, 2004)2. 2. Andrew, Clark, (2004) Guardian, retrieved from the website on 19th Feb' 06. ( Financial Management of Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL) The Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL) is the largest civil engineering infrastructure project currently being constructed in the UK with a budget of 5.3 billion (S$14.8 billion). The Project is split into two sections. Section 1, 70 km long from the Channel Tunnel to Fawkham Junction in North Kent is scheduled for completion and operational running of Eurostar trains by September 2003. Section 2, 39 km long, completes the Link from North Kent to St Pancras in central London and is programmed to be operational in January 2007 (Davies and Joy, 2004)2. The London & Continental Railways Limited (LCR) was awarded the contract to build the CTRL in February 1996 and to run the British arm of the Eurostar International train service (Eurostar UK). Initially, LCR proposed to fund the construction of the link from private finance through debt and equity raised on the back of future revenue from Eurostar, UK and from direct government grants. This overtly optimistic plan backfired and LCR abandoned its plans to raise private finance and approached the Department for additional grants in return for a share of future profits. After reviewing the options, the department of transport decided to restructure the existing deal with LCR. In 1998, the government set out the principles of a negotiated restructuring which enhanced public